One Reply to “Seeds Of Life: Open Pollination”

  1. This is just stupefying! So, why do countries, like Pakistan, cease the practice of selecting their own seed as they clearly must have for thousands of years? Why do they turn to narcotics? Why are… The implications here are simply to large for me to get my head around.

    On the other hand, if I narrow it down to myself, I had no idea about the selection issue. Interestingly, the only real knowledge of purposely growing things to collect seed is with carrots. AND, coincidentally, I was digging up and transplanting my largest, nicest carrots for the seed. UNfortunately, I was doing this back in California so I’ll have to start the process over again here. Not a huge loss as different qualities are needed here.

    Thank you so much for posting this video Patrick. VERY important data here.

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